Women, Please Listen up....
Men want to feel ADMIRED! When they stop feeling admired, this is a major frontal attack on not only their self esteem, but calls their "manhood" into question. Now this may sound simple but when you give it a serious thought, you will realize how true it really is. Remember the time when you first met him, you put on your best outfit on date with him and often giving him support and compliments but most importantly you were VERY HAPPY when he's around.
If the man does not feel like he is getting that ego boost or that attention that makes him feel like a real man anymore, he will want to leave and get it somewhere else. Men crave that attention and they really want to feel like the women is interested in him. Once the admiration is gone and the interest is gone, well then so is the relationship.
To a man:
THIS IS WHY thousands of men polled on the recurring reasons over and over about why a man left was the following statement:
"No matter what I did...I couldn't make her happy anymore".
Yes, this is exactly how I felt, I did my best to provide my wife with all the necessities but just dun understand why she's not happy.
T.W Jackson explains this very well. Here are some examples coming from his system "Magic Of Making Up".