Don't make these mistakes
Sometimes a relationship ends regardless of how carefully we work at saving it. This is often due to a one-time incident or it may be related to problems that have not been acknowledged and letting the momentum built over time.
Right after a break up both you and your ex will be very emotional. Depending on the circumstances and your individual personalities, the emotions will range from total anger and frustration to hurt or even depression.
Because of the intensity of the emotions it is usually wise to take a break before attempting any type of interaction with your ex. Therefore do not start calling your ex and leave a lot of voice mails. Do not start leaving text messages saying "I miss you, I need you back, I am sorry, I will change, I need you, why would you leave, bla bla bla and so on....
Don't Beg or Plead
Basically do not beg, do not make yourself sound desperate and do not make yourself sound pathetic!!! Very simple, I dun think you like it when people come up to you and ask you to make them feel better over and over and over again. Similarly, you dun like it when someone says
"Please be with me, I'm going to die without you"
Remember that begging and pleading with your lover only strengthens the desire to get away from you. It's ok to feel a need to get back with your ex but you need to keep your Posture and Self Control.
I can relate to this because I apologized continuously to my wife when she just left me, she was not moved but in fact got annoyed and refused to pick up my calls for days. In fact the moment she heard my voice, she just hanged up! The situation only improved when I left her alone and reflected on myself.
The reason you behave like this is because you start to panic. In fact, panic is the enemy.
Don't Panic
Panic Equals Desperation - Desperation and being hot headed are the enemies. The Panic you feel comes from the immediate loss of control that you experience. By losing control of the relationship you panic. You need to take a step back and form a plan of attack to get her back without her knowing what you are up to. This may sound impossible at the moment but getting all freaked out, desperate and stalking her all over town will only end in failure and make you look like an idiot. The first thing you want to do is think. Think about how you can get back on track and the right way to do it. If you just panic, you will only make the situation worse. This is where most people really mess it up for themselves.
So remember DONT PANIC, THINK!
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